Chapter 13 Data Project Process

The goal of this chapter is to standardize and clarify the expectations, roles, and timeline by which the OK Policy Research Team and Open Justice Oklahoma receive, prioritize, and complete research projects.

13.1 Proposals

All ideas for data projects, generated by any OK Policy team member or outside organization, will be submitted to the Research Team through the OK Policy Research Team Data Project Submission form.

Upon initial review of the submission, the Research Director will send an email to the submitter acknowledging receipt and let them know when to expect more information.

13.2 Analysis Process

At each Wednesday Data Projects meeting and at individual check-ins, members of the Research Team provide updates on each project they are currently working on. Progress is tracked on the Project Tracking II sheet as outlined below.

  1. Director: Enter project into Project Tracking II, or if request came directly to an analyst, have the analyst enter it. The

  2. Analyst: Create a project-specific GitHub repo, or add project-specific folder to an existing repo if the request falls under existing project

    1. [Option A] Create a new GitHub repository if the project is unrelated to previous projects. For example, requests by Policy Team to answer a specific set of questions about fines and fees for a blog post would warrant a new repo. To create a new repo, click this link and follow these steps:

      1. Use the openjusticeok/scaffold template.

      2. Set owner as openjusticeok and give the repo a unique name of a few words separated by dashes: e.g., eviction-garnishment or tulsa-marijuana-cases.

      3. Add a README file. Paste the text of the request, if it’s helpful, in the README file so it’s easily accessible. This can be done through the GitHub web interface or pushed from the repo. Add any notes you have about the project, like deliverables and due dates.

      4. Copy the repo link into column F on the Data Project Submission sheet.

    1. [Option 2] Add a new folder to an existing repo if the request clearly falls under an existing project. For example, follow-up questions from Policy Team or requests from Legal Aid Services that fall under our consulting project would be added to the existing repo.

      1. Pull the repo onto your computer to ensure you have the latest version.

      2. Create a new branch for your work.

      3. Create a folder with a name that includes the date you started work and a short descriptive title separated by dashes, like “2022-03-06-eviction-garnishments.” Store all of your analysis documents and other project-specific materials (such as spreadsheets received or created as part of the request) in this folder.

      4. Copy the link to the folder (not just the repo) into column F on the Data Project Submission sheet.

  3. Do your analysis in an R Markdown document and inform the reviewer when it’s ready.

Checks data integrity, measure definitions, and analysis methods Inserts comments and questions into the RMarkdown document used by Analyst Pushes changes to GitHub Notifies Analyst when review is ready Fills in date of completion in “Review 1st Draft” column on Project Tracking sheet If major revisions or further discussion is necessary, schedules a meeting with Analyst. Repeat this step until analysis is satisfactory When analysis is satisfactory, fills in date of completion under the “Final Draft” column If no major revisions or discussion is necessary, enters N/A under “Final Draft” column Analyst Reviews comments and questions and revises script accordingly

Consult: [For projects with external or internal clients outside the Research Team] Analyst presents product to client. Analyst Sends data product with appropriate methodological notes and requests feedback Copies Reviewer on all correspondence with client Requests meeting with Reviewer if further discussion is necessary Fills in date of completion under “Consult” column on Project Tracking sheet

Revise: [If requested by external or internal client] Analyst revises analysis in response to client comments. Responsibilities: Analyst Ensures that Reviewer is aware of any feedback from client by forwarding them any comments or summarizing conversations If necessary, clarifies any potential revisions with Reviewer Revises analysis according to discussions with Reviewer Reviewer Requests meeting with Analyst if further discussion is necessary

Deliver: Analyst hands off finished product, project is complete. Responsibilities: Analyst Confirms completion of project with Reviewer at DPS Fills in date of completion under “Deliver” column on Project Tracking sheet Fills in any remaining blank columns with N/A on Project Tracking sheet